Creating a Business Plan (Starting a Tree Care Business)
A well-written Business Plan should exist as the blueprint for a company’s plan for success. The Business Plan needs to clearly outline what the company is about, what is trying to be achieved and the plan to do so. It does not need to be over-fancy or 1000 pages, but it needs to define the company. I looked at my Business Plan on a weekly basis and used it for framing in all meetings regarding sales, operations, training and strategic planning. All decisions made during the year should be backed up by the plan. It may not seem like it makes sense, but I wrote my Business Plan before I even started a company.
At an absolute minimum a beginning Business Plan should include the following:
Company Mission / Vision / Core Values
Yearly goals for sales / production
Financial goals / needs
Growth Plan and Exit Strategy
Cash Flow Projections
If these five items are documented and understood, the company should at least be able to proceed with a basic understanding of what the company is all about.
Here is a Sample Outline for Creating a Business Plan:
Business Plan Checklist
Is a Business Plan Required?
Besides being a guideline for daily operations, a Business Plan should exist for most businesses. Any company requiring a bank loan or financial assistance will most likely need a Business Plan. Also, any tree care company trying to achieve TCIA Accreditation will need a Business Plan. To complete a Business Plan for formal needs, an Executive Summary will also be needed. This is basically a one to two-page document (at the beginning of the Business Plan) that gives a quick overview of the company. Anyone reading the Executive Summary should get a feel for the company in a matter of minutes.
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