The BUSINESS of Tree Care

Wisdom From The BIG Oak

Starting, Improving and Selling a Tree Care Business

I didn’t always have an interest in trees or business, but when the passion started it took over my professional life.  I became obsessed with learning as much as I could.  As my knowledge and experience grew, I started to really appreciate the business of tree care.  I started at the bottom like most people on the Grounds Crew and as a Plant Health Care applicator. I quickly moved into sales and management and became a company leader.  I have taken over an existing company, started my own company and have been involved in four company buyouts.  My interest and understanding of the tree care business has expanded over the past 27 years.  This TREEfecta website will contain general information and some of my personal experiences of starting, improving and selling a tree care business.  

As mentioned, this website will focus on some of the highlights and my experiences of starting, improving or selling a tree care business.  For additional information regarding general tree and shrub care check out my sister website at


TREEfecta is a local Minnesota resource providing education, training and recommendations for tree & landscape care. Our goal is to cultivate long-lasting relationships that focus on connecting people with their trees, landscapes and community.  Education and recommendations will be based on knowledge, many years of experience and a respect for nature.  Our passion and understanding of trees will be evident while we educate, involve and engage. 

The Connection Between Trees, People and Community

While trees provide us many social, economic and environmental benefits, the connection to trees goes much deeper.  Trees and people have a long history of connection through community, spirituality and health. We both play a crucial role taking root in our local communities. Just like people, trees have evolved in communities with relationships sustained by communication. A spiritual connection between trees and people has been long documented throughout many cultures. The Tree of Life can be found as a symbol in many cultures and religions. The connection between trees and human health is becoming a relevant topic when planning cities and communities. Trees can help connect us to where we live, work and play. Trees can help give us a sense of place and where we belong. The urbanization of our cities has a had a serious impact on trees, people and the general health of both. Having a connection and respect for trees can help develop an understanding as we manage these valuable resources.

A Word From The BIG Oak

With over 27 years of experience in the tree care industry, The BIG Oak (that’s me) has been involved in leadership, management, operations, sales and employee development. I have seen it all. I have a great deal to teach and even more to learn. In a song by the Moody Blues (Tuesday Afternoon), they sang “Something calls to me. The trees are drawing me near. I’ve got to find out why”. Years ago, these lyrics led me on a path to get a degree in Ecology and I’m still trying to find out why. Why don’t you join me and we can find out together.